
Look. We’re not saying the Los Angeles Lakers shouldn’t trade for Kyrie Irving this NBA offseason. On the other hand, we’re not not saying that either.
Truthfully, it’s complicated. As is Irving himself. On a surface level, one might think that trading for one of the most talented guards of his generation would be an inherently good decision.
When that guard is Kyrie Irving, it changes the calculus. Irving has become wildly unpredictable over the last several seasons. Nothing he does should shock anybody anymore. If he announces his retirement tomorrow, it won’t feel as if it were unthinkable.
Perhaps the Lakers should take the risk. After the 2021-22 season they just had, any change ought to qualify as a positive one.
LATEST NBA NEWS AND TRADE RUMORS: Kyrie Irving Trade To Los Angeles Lakers Matter Of ‘When’ Not ‘If’
On the other hand, there could be safer ways for them to improve their roster ahead of the 2022-23 season.
Here are three trades we think they ought to consider that don’t include the volatile Irving.