Oscar Isaac is still “hopeful” the Metal Gear Solid movie will happen, saying it has “so much potential”

Oscar Isaac is still “hopeful” the Metal Gear Solid movie will happen, saying it has “so much potential”


Actor Oscar Isaac has revealed that he’s still “hopeful” that the long-awaited Metal Gear Solid movie will happen.

In an interview with Comic Book about his upcoming graphic novel, Isaac was asked for an update about the movie, and kindly obliged, albeit without offering any firm information about the film’s progress.

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“We want it to happen,” said Isaac. “Be excited. What’s the script? What’s the story? What’s the take? […] But hopeful that comes to fruition because there’s so much potential for that.”

“It’s an incredible game. It’s my favourite,” he confirmed.

The Metal Gear Solid movie has long had Isaac attached to it, alongside director Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who’s prior work includes Kong: Skull Island. Right now, though, it still doesn’t have a production schedule or release window, so we probably still have a hefty wait ahead of us, I’m afraid.

As for another video game movie adaptation that’s currently on everyone’s minds? Well over four years after we found out that Nintendo was partnering with Illumination for a Super Mario Bros. movie, we’ve had our first glimpse of the partnership and it was… interesting.

From Illumination’s rendition of the Mushroom Kingdom through to Jack Black’s Bowser, Keegan Michael-Key’s Toad, Charlie Day’s Luigi and – of course – Chris Pratt’s not-so-novel take on Mario, there’s a lot to unpack. Find out what Team Eurogamer made of the big Super Mario Bros. movie reveal.


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